Friday, August 14, 2015

We Have A Breakthrough!

As some of you may know, getting Pax to eat anything has been nothing short of a challenge. His typical diet consists of grilled cheese and a variety of snacks. For him to try something new, is a cause for celebration! Even if it's a food that isn't a choice food, but I will take it! With that being said, Paxon enjoyed his first McDonald's cheeseburger!

It came about as a surprise, we were driving home from swim lessons, when I stopped and got Peyton a cheeseburger Happy Meal. Pax started saying something, and as you may know as well, his speech can be very difficult to before we knew it, he grabbed the cheeseburger out of Peyton's hands and just started eating it! No coaxing, no begging, no "just kiss it'....started taking bites! He ended up eating almost the whole thing, as I am going crazy, doing a happy dance, crying, as he looks at me like, what did I do?

So, needless to say, it is not the best food, but we will be stocking up on cheeseburgers until the next new food is discovered :)

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