Friday, May 18, 2012

Hearing Test 5/17

Well, Paxon passed his hearing test with flying colors!  At least we know his hearing is not an issue for the speech delay he has.  We are very anxious for next week's first in-house therapy session.  We will at least know what to expect and what we need to do to help Paxon progress.  He has actually done some things that he hasn't done before.  For instance, when he wants water in his cup, he now BRINGS the cup to you and hands it to you to fill it up!  WOW, he never did that and has done it repeatedly for the past week.  We are very happy that he is taking some steps that are positive :)  I will post about the Tuesday session when completed.  Until then.

1 comment:

  1. Great reading, thanks! Sometimes I just happen to stumble over info that arrives in a timely manner. Spot on ;-)

    SEO Reseller
