Wednesday, May 23, 2012

First In-House Evaluation and Family Plan 5/22

Paxon had his first in-house evaluation yesterday, and we had our family plan discussed on how to move forward.  We had a teacher, speech pathologist and our early intervention contact person come and give Paxon an evaluation similar to the one he had a CHOP.  They brought toys and played with him to see what he could and could not do.  Since he was already diagnosed for Autism, this was a step to make sure that all of his care will be properly funded.  They have set up a plan for us, his family, to help teach him and reach our goals we would like for Paxon.  Goals such as being able to communicate with us in a way we can understand.  Something as simple as pointing a finger at an object to let us know he wants it, or playing with a specific toy for the purpose it was made.  We will be taking "baby steps" and taking it one day at a time, but we will do whatever it takes.  His first therapy session will take place within the next 2 weeks, a teacher and speech therapist will be here at the house once weekly.  I will post his progress with that session...until then.....

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