Saturday, January 17, 2015

And then Dunkin Donuts......

OK, so....taking Pax out to eat has always been a challenge of sorts...the sitting...the waiting...etc....well, he took a big step this past Friday!  After his swim class on Fridays, I always treat him to a donut or munchkins from Dunkin Donuts.  It went from going thru the drivethru and him just saying the word "donut", which was also a big step for him, to actually going in the place and him pointing to which donut he wants.  This time, with my daughter also,  I ventured to see if he would go in, sit and eat.  As you can see from the pic, it was a success! It probably helped that no one was in there eating except for us, but none the less, a HUGE step for Pax! It may be baby steps to some, but to us, they are VERY BIG baby steps :)

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