Halloween 2014- Bug Catcher |
So, I haven't written in quite a while....I guess the time got away with me. But I did want to write about Paxon's progress thus far. He is doing excellent! School has really been helping him and working with him here from home as well. He has said a few words, including "Mama"..which as a mother, is the best thing you ever want to hear. He has also said his first sentence..he said "Mom Mom Bubbles Soon". My mother plays bubbles with him before his bath, so he would ask to do bubbles..and we would always say..soon Paxon. So out of the blue one day he said, "Mom Mom bubbles soon"....you can imagine my excitement and inability to contain myself. Paxon went from a boy at the age of 2, diagnosed with moderate autism...not saying a word...not communicating...wouldn't look you in the eye...wouldn't look to the sound of his name....to a boy who is talking, saying what he wants, showing you what he wants..listening..socializing...enjoying life as a child should. Early diagnosis was the best thing we could of ever done for Paxon. He has blossomed and matured so much and I wanted to tell every parent out there whose child was diagnosed; there is hope. I hear stories all the time of nonverbal children talking, singing, communicating when they were told they never would. I am proof that hope is something I always had and always will hold on to. With persistence and resources, wonderful things can happen.